6 Ways to Get Smoother Results from Male Enhancement Surgery

6 Ways to Get Smoother Results from Male Enhancement Surgery

Dr. Elliot Heller performs penile enlargement surgery with best resultsNEW YORK CITY – When you’re looking to have male enhancement surgery performed, whether it’s a desire for more length, girth or other reasons, it’s natural to envision an end result that is smooth and attractive. But what about the risk of scarring? There are many factors that can impact how much scarring takes place after having penile enlargement surgery, some that you have control over like being a healthy weight and not smoking cigarettes and others that you don’t such as genetics.

What you can do to reduce the risk of scarring before surgery:

  • Do your homework before deciding on a surgeon. Ask to see before and after pictures and make sure all your questions are answered so you feel confident they have the experience and knowledge to do the job right. It’s so important to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon so scarring is minimized and in a good location to avoid being too noticeable.According to Dr. Elliot Heller, an expert in male enhancement surgery, “The placement of the incision is very important because we place it exactly in the natural pubic crease so it’s practically invisible 3 months post-operatively.”
  • Don’t smoke. Again, not smoking reduces your risk of healing slowly and having unsightly and uncomfortable scars form. If you do smoke and are considering undergoing male enlargement surgery, the National Institute of Health advises you quit at least eight weeks before your procedure.Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2149030/
  • Lose weight if you need to. Especially for such a delicate procedure as phalloplasty, the easier it is for the surgeon to see the area they’re working on the better their chances of closing your incision smoothly with minimal scarring.

What you can do after surgery to reduce scarring:

  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions post-op. Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions on what you need to do for a healthy recover after your procedure. There are a lot of common sense ways you can help the healing along but you need to be dedicated to following through.
  • Use products that safely reduce scarring. There are many products out there from aloe vera gel to good old fashioned olive oil that many people, and even some scientific studies, claim can help reduce scarring after surgery. However, do your research and ask your surgeon for recommendations on any products or remedies that are safe and effective to use.
  • Eat fresh, healthy foods and drink water. Try to eat foods that are known to be good for the skin and help wound healing such as sweet potatoes which are high in vitamin C, a nutrient that helps build smooth, healthy skin by encouraging collagen production.
    Source: http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/skin/vitaminC/

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