Tips for Finding The Right Phalloplasty Surgeon for Better Male Enhancement Results

Tips for Finding The Right Phalloplasty Surgeon for Better Male Enhancement Results

In the vibrant metropolis of New York, are you contemplating undergoing a phalloplasty procedure, yet grappling with the challenge of finding a suitably qualified surgeon? Dr. Elliot Heller, a distinguished Phalloplasty surgeon based in New York, offers invaluable insights to aid you in your quest. One must bear in mind that this is a surgical endeavor, and decisions should not be predicated solely on cost. 

Oftentimes, opting for the cheapest option leads to subpar outcomes, failing to meet expectations. In this article, we will take a look at how you can find the best Phalloplasty surgeon to get the best results.

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What is Phalloplasty Surgery By Dr. Heller

In a phalloplasty, doctors take a piece of skin from another part of your body. They might take it all off or just leave it partly attached. This skin is used to make the pee tube and the main part of the penis, like a tube inside another tube. The bigger tube wraps around the smaller one. They also take bits of skin from places where you can’t see and put them where they took the skin from.

The pee tube in females is shorter than in males. Surgeons make it longer and connect it to the female pee tube, so pee comes out from the tip of the new penis. The little sensitive spot, called the clitoris, usually stays near the bottom of the penis, where it can still feel nice. People who could feel good before the surgery usually still can after it.

Phalloplasty Surgery Step-by-Step

Let’s dive into this complicated journey of change. At its heart, phalloplasty is about making a penis from a piece of skin donated by the body. But it’s not just about the body parts – it’s about a whole series of surgeries working together. 

First, there’s a surgery to remove the uterus, called a hysterectomy. Then, the ovaries are taken out in another surgery called an oophorectomy. Next, the vagina might be partly or completely removed in a vaginectomy. After that, the flap of skin is shaped into a penis in the main phalloplasty surgery.

Sometimes, the outer lips are turned into a scrotum, and fake testicles might be added in a scrotectomy. The pee tube is made longer and connected to the new penis in a urethroplasty. Then, there’s a surgery to shape the tip of the penis to look natural, called a glansplasty. Finally, a special device might be put in to help the penis get hard, called a penile implant.

Things to Consider About Phalloplasty Surgery

Before delving into cosmetic genital surgery, there are several critical considerations to bear in mind:

  • Expect the presence of scars. While these scars may diminish over time, they will remain visible.
  • Recognize that phalloplasty for lengthening purposes primarily affects flaccid appearance, not erect size.
  • Smokers face heightened risks of complications, so quitting before surgery is advisable.

Each person’s journey is different. Some only do some of these surgeries, while others do them all. And it takes different kinds of doctors – ones who know about women’s bodies, pee parts, and fixing things up. Before starting this journey, it’s important to talk to your doctor about how it might affect your ability to have kids and how you feel during sex.

How Can I Find The Best Surgeon?

Best Phalloplasty Surgeon

Finding the right Phalloplasty surgeon can be like trying to find your way through a tricky maze. Here is the best way you can do it:

  • Check the surgeon’s qualifications

Look for certifications from big organizations like the American Academy of Aesthetic and Restorative Surgery or The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. These show they’re experts in their field.

  • Think about their experience

How long have they been doing this, and do they know a lot about the procedure you want? You want someone who’s done it a bunch of times and can show you pictures of their past work. Ask how often they do the procedure and how long they’ve been doing it.

  • Don’t forget to ask for advice

Talk to people who’ve had the same surgery. They might have good tips about which Phalloplasty surgeon to choose and what to expect.

  • Trust your gut

If something feels off during your appointments, it might be a sign to look somewhere else. Pick a Phalloplasty surgeon who listens to you and answers your questions honestly.

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Expectations During the Consultation

An initial consultation typically incurs a fee due to its comprehensive nature. Your first meeting with Dr. Heller is pivotal. This is your chance to express your desire for male enhancement. Dr. Heller will carefully assess your suitability for phalloplasty and elucidate the potential outcomes. Prepare to articulate your aspirations so the Phalloplasty surgeon can recommend the optimal procedure for you.

Following a thorough understanding of your goals and health status, alternative treatments might be suggested. Depending on your objectives and anatomy, non-surgical options may be explored before committing to surgery.

 Men contemplating enlargement surgery often explore additional procedures such as liposuction, gynecomastia correction, pectoral implants, or abdominal etching. Some may also inquire about glanular enhancement surgery to augment the penile tip.

Your medical history is crucial during the consultation. Disclose any previous penile enhancement treatments, surgeries, or medical conditions, as well as allergies, and current medications, including supplements aimed at enhancing sexual function.

Before the Phalloplasty Surgery

Before picking a surgeon, do your homework. Ask to see before and after photos and make sure you get all your questions answered so you know they have the experience to do the job right:

  • Minimizing Scars

It’s super important to choose a skilled Phalloplasty surgeon to minimize scarring and make sure it’s in a good spot where it won’t be too noticeable. Dr. Elliot Heller, who’s a pro in male enhancement surgery, says, “Where we cut is important because we do it right in the natural fold of your skin so you can hardly see it after 3 months.”

  • Quit smoking

Smoking slows down healing and can make scars look bad and feel uncomfortable. If you smoke and are thinking about getting male enlargement surgery, the National Institute of Health says you should stop smoking at least eight weeks before your surgery.

  • Lose weight

Especially for a sensitive surgery like phalloplasty, it’s better for the Phalloplasty surgeon if they can see everything. That way, they can close your cut up nicely with as little scarring as possible.

  • Diet

Before your surgery, it’s smart to eat lots of protein for a month. Protein helps your body heal. Albumin is a type of protein your body makes. It shows how well you’ve eaten in the past month. If your albumin level is less than 3.5 grams per deciliter (g/dL), it might mean you haven’t eaten enough.

  • Getting checked up

Before your surgery, you’ll need to do a few tests such as complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, and type and screen. These tests help your doctors understand your health before surgery.

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First Two Days in the Hospital

After your first day in the hospital, you’ll start eating slowly to avoid feeling sick. You’ll also wear special leg sleeves called sequential compression devices (SCDs) to help prevent blood clots. And you’ll take a daily aspirin to stop small clots from forming in your penis and groin area. You’ll also begin taking your usual medications at home as soon as possible, depending on what they’re for.

Days 2 to 4

After your phalloplasty, you’ll spend the first 2-3 days in a special hospital unit where nurses will check on you every 1-2 hours. They’ll look at your penis to make sure it’s healthy, checking its color, temperature, and blood flow with a doppler machine. This machine attaches to a probe on your penis to monitor blood flow. These frequent checks help the medical team catch any problems early. During the first day after surgery, you won’t be allowed to eat or drink, just in case there’s a need for another surgery. We hope these checks help you feel comfortable and well-cared-for.

During the Surgery

Phalloplasty Surgery

During the surgery, a tube might be slid into your bladder through your penis to collect pee. Your Phalloplasty surgeon will cut the head of your penis, at the base, or in your lower belly. Then, they’ll stretch out the spongy tissue inside your penis that fills up with blood when you get hard. This tissue is in two chambers in your penis called the corpora cavernosa.

Your Phalloplasty surgeon will pick the right size implant and put it in your penis. They’ll make sure it fits perfectly for your body. If they’re putting in a two-piece inflatable device, they’ll also put a pump and valve in your scrotum. For a three-piece device, they’ll add a fluid tank above or below your belly wall using the first cut. Sometimes, they’ll need to make another cut in your belly.

  • What is the best time to leave the clinic?

You’ll leave the hospital when:

  1. Your penis looks good and the doctors aren’t worried.
  2. Your pain can be managed with pills.
  3. You’re not too sick to eat and drink.
  4. You can walk without needing help.

Once these things are in place, you’re ready to go home.

Recovery Period

Following your surgical procedure, it is important to listen carefully to what your surgeon has advised. Their guidance is the best thing that you can do during your post-procedure days. 

  • Take care of scars

To make scars look better, people try lots of different scar-reducing products. These range from aloe vera gel to olive oil, which some say can magically make scars less noticeable. But there isn’t much solid proof yet. Still, it’s smart to talk to a surgeon before believing all the claims about these products.

  • Stay hydrated

Nourishing your body with fresh, wholesome fare and maintaining hydration is instrumental in fostering dermal health. Opt for edibles conducive to skin vitality and wound healing, such as the humble sweet potato, replete with vitamin C. This micronutrient is instrumental in bolstering collagen production, thereby expediting wound resolution and conferring suppleness upon the integumentary system.

 Why Should You Choose This Surgery?

There are many reasons someone might want phalloplasty:

  • You want an average-sized penis.
  • You want to have sex and penetrate with your penis.
  • You want to pee standing up without needing special devices.
  • You don’t want to look different from other men when naked.

Other options like packing, prosthetics, testosterone-induced genital growth, or metoidioplasty didn’t work for you.

For some people, getting phalloplasty can help their mental health. Studies show that after gender confirmation surgeries, people tend to have fewer mental health issues. But, like with any big change in life, it might be helpful to talk with a counselor before and after surgery.

After all, the game of phalloplasty surgery keeps going.  If you get to look at the pictures from before and after the surgery, you can see the difference. Choosing the best surgeon at hand means that you are going to be treated right. Dr. Heller is one of the best Penis Enhancement doctors out there. Make sure to talk about your worries and goals in the consultation session. He helps you step by step to have the best phalloplasty surgery ever.

Seek Expert Advice about Phalloplasty Surgery: Call Dr. Heller for Your Personalized Guidance! Contact us at 718-477-2020


  • What are the different types of phalloplasty?

The surgeon has three options for penile construction, involving skin from the arm (radial forearm free flap), leg (anterolateral thigh flap), or side (latissimus dorsi flap). Each method has specific advantages and disadvantages as well.

  • Can you stand to pee with abdominal phalloplasty?

In cases where feasible, the blood supply remains connected (pedicled flap), with only the nerves being severed and reattached. For the abdominal flap method, skin from the lower abdomen is utilized for a shaft-only phalloplasty. This approach excludes nerves, thus hindering patients from urinating while standing.

  • Which phalloplasty is best?

The Radial Forearm Flap (RFF) Phalloplasty takes the lead as the most common type. Its donor site offers thin and flexible features, making it easy to shape the flap into a phallus. Plus, the absence of hair on the skin enhances sensory perception and often allows for urethral reconstruction all in one go.

  • Can you choose a phalloplasty size?

The penile implant comes in various lengths, but your surgeon will make the selection during the operation based on the length of your phallus.

  • Does phalloplasty grow hair?

For numerous Phalloplasty patients, there’s often a bit of hair regrowth in the neourethra, yet many remain unfazed by urethral hair. Surprisingly, despite diligent preoperative hair removal, urinary obstruction from urethral hair can still occur.

Elevate Your Confidence: Seize Your Complimentary Estimate for Penis Phalloplasty Surgery by Dr. Heller!

Don’t overlook this opportunity to secure a free estimate for the Penis Enlargement procedure directly from Dr. Heller, a distinguished figure in male enhancement. Dr. Heller, a dedicated professional with abundant expertise, goes the extra mile to tailor a personalized strategy for each patient, emphasizing superb care and attaining individual objectives.

Are you prepared to augment your size and elevate your confidence and fulfillment levels? Plunge in and engage with Dr. Heller today to schedule your complimentary consultation. Take the initial stride on a voyage towards enhanced well-being and self-assurance with the guidance of a trustworthy authority in male enhancement through our contact page.



BY Dr. Elliot Heller | April/28/2024