What Can I Expect During my Phalloplasty Recovery?

male SurgeryNew York NY – After a phalloplasty procedure, you’ll be ready to conquer the world with your new-found confidence. But how quickly can you resume normal activities? Dr. Elliot Heller, a penile enhancement expert, explains what you can expect during your recovery period.

“For a plastic surgery procedure, recovery is actually quite fast,” says Dr. Heller. “It all depends on the type of penis enlargement procedure you’ve chosen, but in some cases, you can be back to normal activities in just around 24 hours.”

That’s right, if you’ve opted for a fat transfer procedure, you’ll only be down for around 24 hours. If you’ve opted for a ligament release, you’ll need to add an extra day to that recovery time. But in just 48 hours, you can resume your normal activities. For gym buffs, it’s wise to take about a week off from exercise.

Men who are interested in a penis enhancement procedure often wonder what their urination will be like following the procedure. Will there be any pain associated? The answer to that is no – urination should be exactly the same as it was before the procedure.

But perhaps the most frequently asked question concerns sexual activity. How long will a patient need to wait to resume sexual activities?

The quickest rebound will be from a fat transfer procedure. These patients will only need to take about a week off before resuming all normal activities. If you’ve chosen Alloderm or a ligament release to add those extra inches, you’ll need to take a month off from sexual activity to fully heal.

“The most important thing to keep in mind, however, is that results will not be immediate,” says Dr. Heller. “It can take anywhere between three to six months to see the results of a lengthening procedure.”

In the days immediately following your procedure, you might experience some slight pain should your penis become erect. However, this is normal and will go away in the months following surgery.

To aid in your recovery, Dr. Heller suggests the following:

  • Massage your penis each day. This will help you avoid asymmetry that could result following the procedure. It will also prevent your penis from developing any lumps.
  • Follow all doctor recommendations for penis extenders. In some cases, your doctor may advise you to use an extender to help you achieve maximum results following your procedure. Be sure you carefully follow all instructions from your physician to avoid any injury.
  • Inform your physician of any prior medical conditions or habits that could impede recovery time. Habits such as smoking and certain medical conditions can interfere with surgery and recovery. Always fully disclose your medical history and smoking habits to your physician.
  • Use pain medication as prescribed for any pain or discomfort. You can also use warm or cool compresses to aid in the swelling.


But perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind concerning a phalloplasty or any penile enlargement procedure is to keep your expectations realistic. Following a lengthening procedure, a one to two inch gain is an appropriate expectation. A Fat transfer or graft can provide up to a 30 percent gain in width, while a glanular enhancement can provide from a five to 20 percent increase in the size of the head of the penis.

“It’s important to manage expectations following your procedure to avoid disappointment,” says Dr. Heller. “While you may not look like David Beckham following surgery, you will experience a great increase in confidence if you know what to expect.”

If you’re tired of feeling inadequate and ready to make a change, Dr. Heller provides the results men want. Schedule a consultation today.

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BY Dr. Elliot Heller | November/13/2014