Fat Transfer: A Safe, Minimally Invasive Penis Enlargement Procedure That Gives Permanent Results in New York and New Jersey

Fat Transfer Penile Enlargement, Phalloplasty, Fat Grafting

For men feeling unhappy with the size of their penis, there are multiple penis widening and penile girth enhancement procedures available. One of the most effective, natural, and permanent among these is fat transfer penile enlargement. The fat transfer, which is also referred to as fat harvest and injection, is a minimally invasive as well as safe procedure for men to achieve an aesthetic penis.

During a fat transfer or fat grafting procedure, the surgeon will transfer fat from the thighs or the abdomen to the penis shaft. Most people have additional fat at least in some places of their bodies. Cosmetic surgeons choose the most ideal place from where to harvest the fat. Selecting, harvesting, and transferring the healthiest fat cells from fatty areas ensures the results of the fat grafting are permanent. 

Dr. Elliot Heller, an acclaimed plastic surgeon, specializes in the fat transfer procedure for increasing the length and girth of the penis. He has performed thousands of penile enlargement procedures. He has experienced that the fat transfer procedure is not only the most effective but also permanent.

What is Fat Harvesting and Injection?

The fat transfer penis enlargement surgery involves two procedures. In the first one, the surgeon conducts liposuction of fat from the selected areas of the body. The fat is then purified so that only the pure fat remains while the other unwanted materials are discarded. The second procedure involves the transfer of the filtered or the purified fat to the shaft of the penis. The surgeon injects the fat around the shaft of the penis. The surgeon uses expert skills and techniques to make sure the transferred fat cells survive for the longest term.

Other Penis Enlargement Procedures

Though the fat transfer procedure is permanent and safe, this is not the only treatment option for penis widening. Dr. Heller is well-known for his specialization in several other male enhancement methods such as dermal fillers, ligament release, platelet injections, etc. These methods are also very effective and offer significant results for an increase in the length, function, and girth of the penis.


After the surgery, patients should avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours and rest for 24 hours. Recovery occurs fast, but there are some precautions that you should follow after the treatment. Light exercise can resume slowly. The surgeon will advise you not to indulge in sex for 7 to 10 days.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Fat Transfer Penile Enlargement?

You are a good candidate for a fat transfer procedure if you are self-conscious about the size of your penis. If you desire to enhance the girth of your penis and get a longer-looking penis, you should opt for this treatment. Fat transfer is also ideal for people who suffer from genetic penis malformations.

Consult with Dr. Heller about Fat Transfer Penile Enlargement

An expert in fat transfer phalloplasty, Dr. Heller is the director of the Allure Plastic Surgery Center. He performs both surgical and non-surgical treatment for male enhancement at his center. 

If you are interested in the fat transfer procedure to enhance the length and girth of your penis, you should contact Allure Plastic Surgery Center for a free consultation.

The Allure Plastic Surgery Center operates in several key locations across the United States including Manhattan New York, Staten Island New York, and New Jersey. Call our office right now for more information.

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